- Important documents
- European Union Project
- Major achievements
- Postscript
Article dated February 8, 2024 (Rus)
Author: Natalya Vishnevskaya, correspondent of the Promhouse project, consultant on housing legislation, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- The most important event of the year
- Development of effective communication skills and resistance to stress
- Teambuilding
Promhouse_article dated September 18, 2023 (Rus)
Author: Natalya Vishnevskaya, correspondent of the Promhouse project, consultant on housing legislation, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The article was published on the website "Communal Literacy Portal"
- Attention to legal regulation
- Learn to control yourself
- Bet on digitalization
Newspaper "Norma", No. 22, May 30, 2023
Author: Natalya Vishnevskaya, expert in housing and communal services
Gennady Kalyonov, project expert, International Community of Real Estate Managers (Belarus)
Saken Makhambetov, Project Manager, Chairman of the Association of Management, Service and Energy Services in the Housing Sector "Shanyrak" (Kazakhstan)
Analysis of international practices
Conclusions and recommendations
Promhouse_article of May 5, 2023 (rus)
Gennady Kalenov, project expert, moderator of the international community of real estate managers, Belarus
Larisa Schreckenbach, Project Manager, Eastern European Housing Initiative, IWO, Germany
It is already obvious that the POs are not coping, and there are many reports of what is expensive and would like to have a house maintenance service. But alas, then it turns out that we have gone from what we have come to.
While amendments to the management and maintenance of houses are being discussed, people in different regions of Kazakhstan are constantly left without heat and hot water, and this is in the winter.
The article was published on the website "Bulletin of the owner and entrepreneur of housing and communal services"
Author: Aliya Bogaeva, Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of the owner and entrepreneur of housing and communal services, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The article was published in the magazine "Live like a master", November 11 (194), 2022, Belarus
Author: Gennady Kalenov, International Society of Real Estate Managers, Minsk, Belarus (the article was compiled based on the materials of the webinar "Creating a rental housing market - the experience of Belarus", organized by the EU project PROMHOUSE, 04.10.2022)
Promhouse_article Juni 17, 2022 (eng)
Posted by Saskia Lürs, Communications Director, Eastern Europe Housing Initiative, Berlin, Germany
Promhouse_article April 14, 2022 (eng)
Posted by Saskia Lürs, Communications Director, Eastern Europe Housing Initiative, Berlin, Germany
The article touches upon the problem of organizing a comprehensive thermal modernization of residential apartment buildings in Kazakhstan. The importance of solving this problem in terms of Kazakhstan's commitments to decarbonization and achieving carbon neutrality is substantiated, the main barriers and solutions are described. For the first time, the issue of thermal modernization of residential buildings is raised as a systemic process that affects not only buildings built 30–50 years ago, but also buildings currently being built, the stage of modernization of which will begin in the near future. Key recommendations are given for Kazakhstan on the organization of large-scale energy modernization, taking into account the accumulated international experience.
Promhouse_article April 11, 2022 (eng)
Authors: Larisa Schrekenbach, Project Manager, Eastern European Housing Initiative, Berlin, Germany
Alexander Belyi, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert on Low-Carbon Development and Energy Efficiency, Kazakhstan
- Every home is an individual
- Advantages and Features
- What are standards for?
December 28, 2021 article(eng)
Author: Natalia Vishnevskaya, correspondent of the Promhouse project, consultant on housing legislation, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The article provides information on the cost of energy efficient measures in the housing stock of Kazakhstan. Data are provided on the owners' expenses for utilities and thermal modernization services. Conclusions are drawn about the availability of energy-saving measures for various households in different cities of Kazakhstan.
Promhouse_Article January 12, 2022 (eng)
Author: Alexander Bely, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert on Low-Carbon Development and Energy Efficiency, Kazakhstan
The project is funded by the EU. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of its authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission
Article from December 28, 2021 - eng (1.01 mb)
Author: Natalia Vishnevskaya, Promhouse project correspondent, housing law consultant
- Organizer, controller, moderator, mediator
- Why is the idea of thermal modernization not popular among residents?
- Analysis of control systems: which model is better?
- Specialty - Residential Property Manager
Promhouse_article_of November 30, 2021 (eng)
Newspaper "Norma", No. 48, November 30, 2021
Author: Irina Grebenyuk, special correspondent of the newspaper "Norma", Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- Housing stock structure
- Socio-demographic aspects
- Government targets for decarbonizing housing
Promhouse_article_of September 20, 2021 (eng)
Author: Knut Höller, Director, Board Member, Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe, Berlin, Germany
- Programs, projects, incentives
- There is a problem - solutions are needed
Promhouse_article_of July 28, 2021 (eng)
The newspaper "Norma", No. 30, July 27, 2021
Author: Irina Grebenyuk, special correspondent of the newspaper "Norma", Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- Where to begin?
- Diagnose the house
- Residents "heated" the left bank of the Dnieper
Promhouse_article_of July 28, 2021 (eng)
The newspaper "Norma", No. 30, July 27, 2021
Author: Irina Grebenyuk, special correspondent of the newspaper "Norma", Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The service life of some apartment buildings in post-Soviet countries, built back in Soviet times, is about 50 years. At the same time, the regulations prescribe major overhauls every 25-30 years. In many post-Soviet countries, repairs are still not being performed, having passed the decision on repairs to the owners, who are in no hurry to make this decision. ... We tried to answer some of the questions in two reviews devoted to the organization of major repairs and resettlement of emergency apartment buildings in some EU and post-Soviet countries.
Promhouse_article_of June 3, 2021 (eng)
OVERVIEW_Organization and financing of maintenance and overhaul (eng)
OVERVIEW_Regulation of relations with owners of premises in emergency apartment buildings (eng)
Author: Gennady Kalenov, Executive Director of the International Association for Real Estate Management (IAMN), Minsk, Belarus
- The preparation of the bill took place behind closed doors
- Public hearings were relegated to the background
- Association strategy has paid off
Promhouse_article_of April 28, 2021 (eng)
The newspaper "Norma", No. 17, April 27, 2021
Author: Irina Grebenyuk, special correspondent of the newspaper "Norma", Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Promhouse_comments to article_of_April_23 2021 (eng)
Author: Gennady Kalyonov, Executive Director of the International Association for Real Estate Management, Minsk, Belarus
Promhouse_comments on article_of March_25 2021 (eng)
Author: Arkady Rubtsov, Chairman of the KSK Association, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Promhouse_article_of_25 March 2021 (eng)
Authors: Zabine Feuersenger, Gabriele Heinrich, Wohnen im Eigentum (WiE), Germany
The material provided by the trainers of the European Education Center for Housing and Real Estate Economics (EBC), Bochum, Germany (www.e-b-z.de) is based on German experience and describes the framework conditions in Germany. This brochure will be useful for all those who plan to master the profession of a Housemaster.
Promhouse_brochure_from_04 February 2021 (RU)
Author: Teachers and trainers of the European Educational Center for the Economics of Housing and Real Estate (EBC), Bochum, Germany
https://gkx.by/poleznye-sovety/3016-pochemu-khausmastera-lyubyat-klienty-i-tsenyat-rabotodateli (rus)
Author: Gennady Kalenov, Executive Director of the International Association for Real Estate Management (IAMN), Minsk (the article is based on the materials of the German press)
Promhouse_article_of_2 October 2020 (eng)
Author: Aida Imanbekova, expert of the Association of Subjects of Management, Service and Energy Service in the Housing Sector "Shanyrak", Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
- The owners of non-residential premises became members of the HOA: who wins?
- Should household have to conclude a contract??
- Can the owner of a non-residential premises become the chairman of the HOA?
- Single fee or different?
- Homeowners' association dissatisfied!
Promhouse_article_of September 28, 2020 (eng)
Author: Irina Grebenyuk, special correspondent of the newspaper "Norma", Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The article was written as part of the Promhouse project. In Kazakhstan, mandatory and voluntary certification of personnel is regulated within the framework of GOST ISO / IEC 17024-2014 “Conformity assessment. General requirements for bodies carrying out personnel certification ”, approved by the Order of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology since 2016.
Promhouse_article_of_7 September 2020 (eng)
Author: Aida Imanbekova, expert of the Association of Subjects of Management, Service and Energy Service in the Housing Sector "Shanyrak", Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
- The benefits of dual education
- Real Estate Economist
- How does a real estate economist differ from a manager
Promhouse_article_of August 3, 2020 (eng)
The newspaper "Norma", No. 30, July 28, 2020
Author: Irina Grebenyuk, special correspondent of the newspaper "Norma", Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- Principles for the training of residential property managers
- A platform that brought together partners
- House master and others
Promhouse_article_of August 3, 2020 (eng)
The newspaper "Norma", No. 30, July 28, 2020
Author: Irina Grebenyuk, special correspondent of the newspaper "Norma", Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- Without professionals the reform will not bring the desired results
- Key project indicators
- What is already done?
Promhouse_article_of May 27, 2020 (eng)
The newspaper "Norma", No. 21, May 26, 2020
Author: Irina Grebenyuk, special correspondent of the newspaper "Norma", Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Barriers and restrictions removed
Equality of market entities: someone loses, someone finds
Will the crisis affect the real estate market?
Promhouse_article_of May 15, 2020 (eng)
The newspaper "Norma", No. 19, May 12, 2020
Author: Irina Grebenyuk, special correspondent of the newspaper "Norma", Tashkent, Uzbekistan
“Time tests us for strength” - Gulnora Atadzhanova, Director of Mumtoz Service Management Company, Tashkent
“The main thing is to overcome the trials” - Kakhramon Rakhimov, Director of the management company “Khorazm Gas Payvandchilar”, Urgench
“I am proud of my team” - Anvar Abdullaev, Director of the Management Company “Sergeli-choshtepa”, Tashkent
“We work for you” - Mokhira Nuralieva, Director of the UK “Mohi-Nur Communal”, Tashkent
Promhouse_article_of April 28, 2020 (rus and eng)
The newspaper "Norma", No. 17, April 28, 2020
Author: Irina Grebenyuk, special correspondent of the newspaper "Norma", Tashkent, Uzbekistan